Sunday, December 05, 2004

Day of Reckoning

Ouch! It's the day after chicken wings and birthday celebration. My head and my stomach act if I had done a great wrong. I guess it's been weeks since I've touched a spicy buffalo wing and now I'm paying the price.

After work last night, I stopped in at the Great Dane Pub & Brewary where rockstars had begun celebrating Zack's birthday. Stephanie had made a little Zack (see pictures). After drinks and a Jager Bomb toast, we left the bar and ordered hot buffalo wings from Pizza Extreme and went back to Sita's place to pass out on the floor after their consumption.

Good times.
Here's to you Zack, Happy Birthday Buddy!
Zack's Birthday '04 Pictures

Speaking of Buffalo Wings, there's a Wings University in Buffalo:

Today in Art:
Zack shares a birthday with Wassily Kandinsky.

Wassily Kandinsky was one of the most original and influential artists of the twentieth-century. His "inner necessity" to express his emotional perceptions led to the development of an abstract style of painting that was based on the non-representational properties of color and form. Kandinsky's compositions were the culmination of his efforts to create a "pure painting" that would provide the same emotional power as a musical composition.

Wassily Kandinsky, Composition IV, 1911

"Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere."
-G. K. Chesterton


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