Sunday, May 29, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 05-29-2005

Venus moves into your sign on Friday, but until then it stays in Gemini along with Mercury and the Sun. This puts the emphasis on the subtler side of your life. It also brings with it a chance to reflect deeply on how you create your own experience. Monday is a positive day that might be good for spending time at home and enjoying your own company. Entertaining will also go well as you will be feeling your best. Tuesday is not so great - you may find yourself involved in a conflict involving your beliefs - but you may also come to a powerful realization. Thursday is one time you don't want to get too involved in any argument. Mars squares Pluto and Mercury squares Uranus, which is not very helpful for reaching a general understanding with others. Issues at work may come to a head and talking may only make it worse. Try to let go and not push for a resolution. It will be a lot easier to reach an agreement within a few days. Venus in your sign from Friday makes you feel good and brings a touch of charisma to your life. You'll feel much better!


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