Saturday, June 18, 2005

Early Beginning

The dinner and scuba social from the night before had put me to sleep early. I was up and awake by six in the morning and completed a few small tasks before going into work. At DoIT I was witness to Kelly in training for her new position as Tech Manager. That alone was well worth the early morning trade.

Afternoon, I biked down to Hoofers for some windsurfing. For most of the week, winds from the North had blown over a mass of algae and debris to our side of shore. Falling into the warm water was refreshing but a little on the disgusting side. Falling, however, could not be helped as I struggled a few times uphauling with my weakened wrist. After a week of no play, a little pain for riding the waves was worth the pay.

There was little time to shower before going into Kendo practice so I went directly there still smelling of lake. Under the protection of my armor, the stink was confined to a condense space inside the headpiece, however, I kept the distraction in the back of my mind as I prepared for combat. Aoyama-san, who is returning to Japan next week, gave me a small handicap. He decided that we could go in short bouts, taking small breaks in between points. This worked out because adrenaline is a great mask of pain.

With practice over, I got cleaned up and went down to the Hoofer Sailing Social. Tonight's food was a grilled serving of roast pork, a delicious Caesar salad, and watermelon. A DJ was on site mixing up tunes and good times were being with a sun setting over the lake front. Brock and I had fun talking to our new friend Rui, who I had met last night at the Scuba social. We mainly chatted about windsurfing of course!

The fun-filled day was almost all but over until some of us decided to go check out the new movie Batman Begins. At University Square Theater, we sat back to a cold mug of beer and enjoyed the making of the Bat.

Activity: 3 | Energy: 3 | Friends: 3

Cooking at the Hoofer Sailing Social


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