Weekly Horoscope: 06-12-2005
Mercury, Venus and Saturn are currently moving through your sign, Fei, and bringing you a chance to get moving on certain issues. You are more connected to your real feelings about the events shaping your life. The fact that Uranus turns retrograde in Pisces is also going to encourage you to take a deeper look within your own soul, and to think about what you really do want for yourself and your future. This may also involve looking at your beliefs and seeing how they affect you on a day-to-day basis. Take it easy on Monday when the Sun in Gemini opposes Pluto in your sixth house of work and lifestyle. You may come up against a crisis of faith or conscience and need to make the right decision for all involved, including yourself, in order to set matters right. Mercury squares Jupiter on Wednesday, encouraging you to entertain a few new ideas about your home and family life and ways in which you might expand your options in this regard. Mercury trines Uranus on Thursday, which may coincide with a revelation concerning your next steps in one important matter.
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