Sunday, February 13, 2005

Apple iTunes and Pepsi

My hair is growing out. I've been meaning to get it cut.

Rainy days suck. I did some light lifting before going to Kendo practice. I'm sure gray skies is cause for such sloth. My body had shut down. By the end of practice I was physically exhausted.

After a shower, I headed into work right when Metzger was just returning from Topper's Pizza. He got free pizza from them because they ran out of toppings. Topper's, oh such irony. Apparently, Jenica ordered mushroom and they had to run to the store to get more. Then they ran out of large pizzas so they gave us 2 free medium pizzas.

At work we got excited about the new Apple iTunes Pepsi promotion. Basically, 1-in-3 specially marked caps of 20 oz. Pepsi awards a free song track from the iTunes Music Store. Once you enter the free songs in the iTunes program, each winning cap will give you a chance at winning an iPod Mini which Apple is giving away at a rate of one an hour until some time in April. They're approximating that over 1,700 iPod Mini's will be given away.

Now here's the silly part, because Pepsi bottles are clear, you can tilt the bottle to see what it says under the cap. The Pepsi iTunes Cheat allows one to just choose the winning bottles. Winning caps results in free songs and more chances to win iPod Mini's. And depending on your point of view, the only loser will be the person who drinks too much Pepsi.

Activity: 2 | Energy: 1 | Friends: 2

Apple iTunes Pepsi


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