Blackout Black Belt Monday
Today, I woke up rested and ready for class. Unfortunately I did not complete any homework nor read for Monday's class in Civic Architecture of Italy. When I arrived at the Elvehjem, I walked into a blackout that was forcing students out of their rooms. My class tried to continue discussion in the darkened hallway that was lightly lit up by the windows upstairs but Prof. Dale decided to finally draw the class to a close.
Since I had the rest of the day free I took a break from Kendo practice, I started on a host of errands that took me to the west side and the offices of Charter Communications. While on that side of town I dropped by Jon's Black Belt America karate school. I had not visited since the changing of their name from Karate America and the move to the new location on Odana Road. He was in the middle of teaching a kids class and going through the Quest kata that we had learned years ago. It was a bit of nastalgia forever locked away in memories of youth.
Activity: 3 | Energy: 2 | Friends: 3
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