Sunday, February 27, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 02-27-2005

You are very keen to explore new horizons at this time, Fei, and to connect with those from other countries. If you should happen to be going on vacation, you will have a mystical and exotic time that will make you truly happy. You will need to be careful on Tuesday when Mercury squares Pluto as you could find yourself quarrelling about legal issues associated with your job. Power struggles and the desperate need to be right may ruin any hope of a solution, so you will need to know where you stand. If you can diffuse the situation without it becoming too much of a problem, you will have done really well. Mars in your opposite sign of Capricorn squares Jupiter in Libra on Thursday, which might mean that you don't quite see eye-to-eye with your partner over family matters. You may be able to compromise, or find a unique way to satisfy the desires of both of you. Friday, Venus conjuncts Uranus, indicating a need for space to experiment with new ideas and dreams. It could also bring an interesting meeting your way - one with philosophical implications. Mercury also moves into Aries on Friday, and you are keen to talk to those who can help your career progress.


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