Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Spring Cleaning

Hey. Good. Yup.

From the moment I woke up until now, I had set my mind on clearing through the clutter in my room and in my life. It's a lot about deciding what stays and what goes.

By midday I committed to having dinner with friends. Max and Mollie are leaving for Honduras (to visit Zack) in a few days and a plan was made to meet up at Casa Bianca.

Now I have had Casa Bianca before but had never gone to the place out on the west side. It is a completely different experience. The mood was different. And despite the somber surroundings, the group of us were a cannon of controlled obnoxiousness.

Activity: 3 | Energy: 2 | Friends: 3

Max and Mollie at Casa Bianca

Have a nice trip you two!


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