Weekly Horoscope: 05-01-2005
This may be something of a trying week in certain respects, Fei, but it could also be immensely rewarding if you play your cards right. Saturn continues to move through your sign, but the good news is that there is not too much longer to go before it leaves Cancer for another twenty-nine years. Venus does sextile Saturn on Tuesday, which is helpful for making business contacts and associations. Mars has recently moved into Pisces, which is going to encourage you to take a leap of faith and to move in a whole new direction. The Sun and Venus in Taurus are very positive when it comes to helping your social life get off the ground. Your love life may be sparked into action by meeting someone who seems to offer you the support you long to receive. For much of the week you can make a lot of progress, but Saturday could prove to be quite difficult for a number of reasons. Mercury squares Saturn and the Sun squares Neptune. There seem to be issues here associated with a stubborn adherence to past ways of thinking, coupled by a need to fantasize about what could be. Sunday is excellent for thinking about work and career developments.
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