Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Wingsday '05: The Book of Job 35:06

I met up with Steph and James at Lucky's Bar after work. They were already there with Terrance from Gold Team. An order had already been placed for another milestone in our everquest for Wingsday 4K. Between the 3 Rockstar friends, Fei and James took Wings 3498 and 3499 with Steph crowning off Wing 3500 and thus, another chapter is closed on the history of Wingsday. I hate to say it but it brought a glimmering hope to my teary eyes.

Later, David decides to show up and orders the minimum of exactly 6 more wings. Jenica drops by after practice and even Matt and Adriana stop in. When David's wing order arrives, they serve him the 6 along with a mysterious 7th wing--a neck piece it was thought. Needless to say, it was not consumed. Yuck!

With our wingsday count up to 3506, Matt and I engage in a debate of how many chickens sacrificed their delicious deaths to indulge our dedication. Matt's argument was in favor of the 4 wings per chicken count but alas, he had neglected the following passage from King James:

The Book of Job | 35:06

"The Lord, clarifying confusion among men, declared on Earth for each chicken shall be attributed 2 wings. With such Almightly affirmation, man was made happy."

Wingsday '05

And so my tale of wingsday debate and saucy chicken reckoning comes to an end, but it will continue another day, unabated and proliferate.

Activity: 1 | Energy: 2 | Friends: 3

Lucky's Bar

"Man is most comforted by paradoxes."
-G. K. Chesterton


The Book of Job: A multiperspectival approach to the problem of evil, the suffering of the righteous, and the justice of God.

Neck Piece: A chicken part between the head and body, bathed in a buffalo sauce.


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