Sunday, August 07, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 08-07-2005

Your personal finances continue to be under scrutiny this week, Fei, with Mercury, the Sun and Saturn in Leo. Mercury is still retrograde until August 16 so don't sign anything of major importance before this date. There is still plenty of time to review your financial situation and make the best use of your resources that you can. On Monday, when the Sun opposes Neptune, hang on to your credit cards and purse and don't let them slip out of your grasp. Take more care than usual when making any new purchases, especially over the Internet. Venus squares Pluto on Wednesday, and this is going to bring about a few obsessive thoughts; such obsessions could alter a situation quite dramatically if you can't let go and flow with it all. Take it easy. There is more to come as Mercury squares Mars on Saturday, which may create an atmosphere that is ripe for a loud discussion. Things could get explosive, especially if you are trying to discuss money and career issues. Best if you can have the conversation on another day when it might proceed with more calm. Sunday brings a chance to take some definite action and turn over a new leaf - with powerful energies prompting you to do just this.


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