Weekly Horoscope: 08-21-2005
The movement of the Sun into Virgo on Monday gives more focus to the way you communicate and use your mind, Fei. You will probably find that details become important, and that if you have been ignoring them, you cannot afford to do so any longer. You will be brought to attention and will have to catch up so that your records are all up to date. Make a start before anyone notices and you should be OK. But the truth is that everyone is going to be probing into the minutiae more deeply - so there is really no escape. Mercury continues to move through Leo, which is helping you to get in touch with any necessary people regarding your personal financial affairs. Look into new schemes for saving or spending, change your bank account or find ways to make your money work harder for you. It hasn't been easy though, as there have been a number of upsets and some confusion to endure. The end of this week may bring more of the same, but hopefully this is the last time it will occur. Mercury, Neptune and Mars all aspect each other, which may mean you feel powerless to be heard. Don't sign any new agreements quite yet, just go with the flow and see what transpires.
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