Weekly Horoscope: 04-10-2005
Your career continues to be a hot subject at this time, Fei, and at least things have changed for you in rather exciting ways recently. The upheaval associated with last week's Solar Eclipse may have brought you a chance to do something you have always wanted to do - in fact, something you have had on your mind for some time. But it will also mean making changes, and this you are not always comfortable with, as you tend to cling to the known. This time, fate may pry your pincers apart so that you are forced to let go and do something different. Venus trines Pluto on Monday, which is going to bring you more choices and more opportunities to shine. Trying to control any situation to make it work for you isn't going to help; you need to flow with the inspiration of the moment and the relationships you are currently involved with. The good news is that on Tuesday, Mercury turns direct which means you can now make those career moves, sign up for new projects, and say yes to new jobs. Whatever you have been waiting on you can now set in motion. The Sun trines Pluto on Thursday - yet another chance for change.
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