Sunday, June 26, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 06-26-2005

There has been a lot of activity in your sign recently, Fei, but things are going to slow down this week. Mercury and Venus will be conjunct on Monday, which will really bring you clarity. Instead of being divided on a certain issue, you suddenly find yourself united on all fronts. You know what you have to do and which path will be best for your happiness and those around you. Mercury moves into Leo on Monday and Venus joins it on Tuesday; this is going to bring you a chance to look more closely at your personal financial situation. You may have a shopping list of things you would like to purchase, and this is your chance to splash out on a few luxuries for yourself and to research where you can get them at a good price. It is also a great time to find out more about any money-saving ideas or investments that could help you make the most of your financial situation. There is still a lot of emphasis on your career, giving you the courage to make changes and to advertise yourself more. You have been distinctly reticent about this lately. The Sun trines Uranus on Saturday, which will bring an unexpected but fascinating piece of information your way.


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