Sunday, September 11, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 09-11-2005

You are going to get two very different reactions to the ideas you put out this week, Fei. One will be positive and heartening, and the other more controlling and manipulative. Both the Sun and Mercury are traveling through your ideas zone, and this is encouraging you to voice your thoughts and get as many people interested in your schemes as possible. You will be encouraged by the response on Tuesday when the Sun trines Mars and people warm to you and give you plenty of encouragement. On Wednesday you won't feel so hopeful as someone brings up an objection that may be very difficult to overcome. Thursday and Friday revolve around a similar pattern, swooping you high in the air and then letting you fall again. Take it all with a pinch of salt and don't try to fight back. Within a few days things will have calmed down and the very people who were against you will be back with a better offer. The Full Moon in Pisces on Saturday is going to bring you some feedback concerning a recent foray into a whole new area. You are about to discover whether it is really your cup of tea or not. But it will all be valuable experience nevertheless.


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