Monday, February 28, 2005

Wingsday '05 The End of Eudora

Tonight I took out my dad and sister for dinner at the nearby IHOP as we discussed Diana's paper regarding the class system as portrayed in the Great Gatsby.

After dinner, I had to swing by the Kohler Art Library to get some research materials for my term paper. Be it a fairly quiet and snowy night, the Green Team and friends decided to join me to celebrate a Wingsday and the beginning of the end for the support of the Eudora email client at DoIT.

The night began as we convened at Lucky's (formerly the Oakcrest Tavern) on Regent Street. Adriana, David, James, and I got there early to put in an order to start the night. Golembiewski showed up a bit later followed by Jenica after leaving waterpolo practice. Wingsday had officially begun.

When Metzger and Greg showed up later with Kevin tailing a bit behind, we formally toasted to the end of Eudora at the Help Desk. At the end of his shift at work, Brent stopped by for a drink and some classic french fries.

The heated discussion topic of the night came as we debated the superiority of a Superman versus Batman match-up. As you may already know, I'm on Superman's side.

In the aftermath, our Wingsday charting had moved up to just 1 wing shy of 3450 and nearly half the way to 4000 wings. Heroes for the night included our new closer, Golembiewski, who took one for the team and knocked out 20 wings. Next in line was the machine, Kramer, followed by Fei, a trailing third.

The missing link to tonight's Wingsday was a promise that Caitlin would stop by to have a Sun Prairie reunion with Mr. Kramer. Alas, she did not come and missed out on one obnoxious night of wings. As for a Kelly appearance, all hope is lost.

Activity: 2 | Energy: 2 | Friends: 3

Wingsday '05 The End of Eudora
Gallery | Chart

Wingsday '05 The End of Eudora

dialog from the movie Rush Hour

Carter: Damn, Chin, this is some greasy shit. You ain't got no better food, like some chicken wings, some baby back ribs, some fries or something?

Lee: Chinese food, no soul food here!

Carter: I didn't say nothin' 'bout no soul food, I said you got some better food. I don't want that greasy shit. How you gonna sell a big box of grease?


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