One could not ask for any better weather on Tuesday. From sunrise to sunset, Madison had a glow about it. This was of course a gift for a swift Wingsday recovery. By early evening I was chatting with Stephanie when the idea for steak dinner came up. With only that criteria in mind we decided to give J.T. Whitney's Pub and Brewery a try. The meal was good and the company great. I had a terrific time.
Today, however, change was in the air. What were blue skies had paled to gray. A cold wind had come in following a night's storm and dimmed the early summer glow. I could feel it--yes, an unwanted resolve. An ineffable feeling of one screaming at the top of his lungs...and not a sound. There is just no one to hear it.
Activity: 2 | Energy: 2 | Friends: 2
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