Sunday, May 08, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 05-08-2005

This is an interesting week, Fei, which gives you a chance to shift your perspective and move more surely toward your goal. Saturn in your sign has meant that life has been rather difficult for many months now, although you have gotten used to handling the extra responsibility. And, you are aware that the difficult times will not last forever and things will improve soon. Venus moves into Gemini on Tuesday, which means that issues associated with your home and your social life may now seem to take on a life of their own. But you also get the opportunity to reflect on how your attitude affects these areas of your life and what you can do about it. Mercury moves into Taurus on Thursday, giving more lift to your social life and perhaps encouraging you to make new friends and do a bit of networking. On Friday you may decide to make a commitment to a person or a new friend as the Sun in Taurus sextiles Saturn in your sign. Perhaps you feel you would like to give them some extra support. On Sunday Mars conjuncts Uranus, and you may find yourself propelled on a long journey on the spur of the moment.


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