Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Tuesday was a day to rest and recover. It's been less than a week since turning twenty-five and I'm already feeling old. The good news is that my car insurance rate goes down. I get to the lake by late afternoon to see that light-to-no wind conditions had discouraged people from going out. A sludge had built up on our side of the lake and the algae had grown in, resulting in a sickening sewage smell. Yuck! :(

There was just no way I'd go windsurfing today. Instead, I join Stephen's Sloop lesson so I might get that Sloop rating which has eluded me all season. I know that I can totally sail the crap out of the Badger Sloop and I do. Unfortunately, the other students in the lesson were all novice sailors so we start at basics and no ratings were given out today. I'll just have to be humble and wait. Another day, another rating.

By late evening, I went home to have dinner with the family. I'd imagine it's the last dinner together for a few weeks since Diana is leaving for a basketball tournament in Menominee and I'll be going to Kalamazoo for a Kendo Camp. After dinner, I get to hang out with my sister and we decide to go see the new movie, War of the Worlds.

Let me extend a congrats to my cousin Chi for getting engaged this last holiday weekend. I wish you and Jerin, the future Zanders, the best!

If you need a wedding singer, give me a call.

Activity: 2 | Energy: 2 | Friends: 2

Congrats Chi Zander


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