Sunday, July 03, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 07-03-2005

There is a New Moon in your sign on Wednesday, Fei, which coincides with the movement of Saturn as it transits the final part of Cancer. There is hope and a sense of relief in the air. So use the next two weeks to propel yourself into a brand new future that will be lighter and brighter than you have thought possible. Take all of those plans and ideas that you have had to put on the back burner, dust them off and sort out the ones that really do speak to your heart. These are the ones you'll want to focus on the most. Mercury and Venus are moving through Leo and the personal financial sector of your chart, and this will bring you a chance to enjoy using and spending your money. Find new ways to invest in things that bring you happiness as well as growing in value. On Wednesday, Mercury and Venus sextile Jupiter, which puts the focus on your home and on using your money to enhance and beautify your surroundings. You may be interested in looking out for antiques or works of art that help give a refined atmosphere to your household. Mars sextiles Neptune on Thursday, so you may be feeling in a charitable mood and keen to share your resources with others.


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