Sunday, July 10, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 07-10-2005

All the pressure and difficulties you have been through recently are about to lessen, Fei, as Saturn leaves your sign on Saturday and moves into Leo. You have probably had enough of battling problems that never seemed to go away. But now they will, and you will emerge so much stronger and able to confront almost anything that comes along. Saturn changes signs on Saturday, and at the same time Venus also trines Pluto. This adds a touch of power and also makes you determined to transform more than a few areas of your life. Don't rush to make any new financial decisions at the start of the week. Mercury and Venus in Leo both oppose Neptune, which means that things may not be as rosy as they seem. Somewhere there is a catch you are not seeing. So wait before you make that big purchase, or before you decide to sign a new contract that involves your money. Mars trines Pluto on Friday, which adds a real burst of power to the events of the week. An obstacle to a certain career decision will be blasted away, and you will be able to forge ahead. Venus trines Mars on Sunday, so you can impress authority figures.


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