Sunday, January 09, 2005

Weekly Horoscope: 01-09-2005

The New Moon in Capricorn on Monday will stir up your ideas about relationships and hopes for the future, Fei. You have an opportunity to create new beginnings and to move to a new level of commitment if this is what you really want. Mercury and Venus have also moved into Capricorn, encouraging you to talk about issues or arrangements that are of importance. So go for a romantic dinner and become best friends again. You may be offered a chance to travel with your sweetheart or even a business partner on Thursday, quite out of the blue. At the same time the Sun opposes Saturn in your sign, so you may have reservations about taking off and doing something exciting. Yet this pause in the proceedings may actually bring you some insight. You may see how you have been holding yourself back and putting up barriers to success and happiness, when you really want to be melting them. Get into conversations concerning the very issue that is causing you a problem, as you might find there is a solution after all. Mars sextiles Neptune on Saturday, so don't rush into action, but be content to see how things shape up. However it goes will be great!


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