Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Til the Morning

The awakening came on the dawn of a new day. I awoke without alarm nor morning call but little did I remember falling asleep the day before. I guess I had dozed off on the computer and crawled into bed. Now the morning's here and there's time before my first day of summer class.

I decided on an easy morning and put the finishing wraps on a friend's gift. Today is Sita's birthday but unfortunately, I won't be able to share in celebrating her day. I've got a long day scheduled and there's plenty to do.

Before going into class, I dropped off a present for Sita. With the card, I had written a poem with my apologies and best regards.

Til the morning comes,
A birthday girl's yearly stint.
And when the morning becomes,
Her eyes gleam the early glint.

By half noon,
A party comes soon.
And in the darkness of night,
She'll party to her heart's delight.

At evening's end,
Forgive me friend.

I will miss you.
Your friend, Fei.

My summer class looks to be an interesting one. We'll be covering five East Asian Religions (Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam) under the cultures of China, Japan, Tibet, India, and Indonesia--all in a four week span. There is no doubt that I'll be busy.

After class, I had a bit of time before practice so I stopped in at the Lakefront on Langdon for lunch. There, Prof. Menocal had walked in and unexpectedly joined me at my table. We got to talk about the summer's art history classes as well as the return of Prof. Murray to the department. He tried to get me in one of his upcoming fall classes but I'll have to see how my schedule works out with nightly Kendo practices. Getting to know my senior, I learned he has published several books on Frank Lloyd Wright and all of us fans of Japanese wood prints.

In practice, I went over all the kata that is required for sho-dan (black belt) followed by striking practice. For the rest of the time, I worked strictly on footwork and timing. Feeling good, I got cleaned up and met David for a small dinner before going into my long night of work.

Sita, I hope your birthday festivities went well. I am sorry I could not make it. With friends' anniversaries, a cousin's engagement, new outdoor acquaintances, and yes, birthdays, I would be amiss to forget that we are all gathered here today, to get through this thing called life.

Happy Birthday Sita!

Activity: 3 | Energy: 3 | Friends: 3

Happy Birthday Sita!


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