Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Life Unfolding...

Last night was the one year anniversary of this blog. I remember still why I started writing...

I was returning from a night of work and I stepped out of the car to see the streaky lights of the aurora above. It was as if the heavens and cosmos had converged for those few hours to give a glimpse of its immeasureable power. It was so amazing an experience that I wanted to record that moment in time and thus this blog was born. I've kept to the initial charter by continuing to write and record the things I want to remember in my life.

It started to grow...

Initially, I had no idea what about my life was particularly interesting. I included many random thoughts, things I read, items of interest, but nothing very personal. When I started to write about events in time and the people who involved themselves within those moments, I began my curiosity in capturing life unfolding. Certainly there were sad times, but they contrasted with the great times that I had wanted to cherish. In a year I had given this blog my story and exposed my life as an open book.


I was again the highest ranking student (sempai) in Kendo practice last night and led the class in warmups and basics practice. It's strange how people are listening to me when I've felt nothing but disappointment in this last weekend's failure. I must move on though and continue my training. Mark came later and relieved me so that I could go to Diana's Volleyball Banquet.

At her dinner, my dad and I sat in as the coach praised Diana, along with her senior teammates, of the final achievements in their high school sport. They spoke of work ethic and the desire to see each other succeed. This alone spoke loudly of teamwork and I am graced with the gentle reminder.

Activity: 3 | Energy: 3 | Friends: 2

East Girls Senior Volleyball Team '05


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